Emeril Lagasse
Congressman Nicky Lampson (I went to school with him)
Hillary Clinton
living or dead who would they be?.
1. jeaus.
2. egar cayce.
Emeril Lagasse
Congressman Nicky Lampson (I went to school with him)
Hillary Clinton
i have not tried to hide my past as a victim of this, but this is always an area that i have to fight my personally feelings as to what should be done to child molesters.
they ruin lives, scar an individual for a lifetime!.
should they be incarcerated for life, castrated, turned over to the family member(s), public humiliation like a branding everywhere they go, tortured and or death penality?.
such behavior is more learned than hardwired. I think it is learned and justified AS hardwiring, yet how many abusers are also the abused? SO many. . .would the hardwiring folks just say they WERE looking for it as little tiny children?Would they claim that the entire family of abusers just knew the kids who wanted sexual interactions? The hardwiring claim is not something I buy into.
JWDaughter, I'd go along with that if I only knew about my youngest son's behavior. But since I have so much experience with so many predators in this particular "field" I have to say there is an innate common denominator. The one thing that ties them all together. Every last one of them was born a domineering control freak. It's all about power. All about them having complete control over people and situations.
Even my youngest son......when he was in a highchair. When I would put him in his high chair, his tray would already be set with his dinnerware, cup and flatware. If it looked as though he might spill his milk, I would move his cup a little just to make sure he didn't tump it over. Ya know what he'd do? Move it right back where it was. He didn't see the danger of spilled milk. He only saw that his cup was out of place and he would move it right back where, in his mind, it was supposed to be.
At 4 mos. of age, he fought me over a bite of spinach (baby food, blech! I don't blame him.). Totally refused to open his mouth after tasting it once.
Stood and slammed a cabinet door repeatedly for about 10 mins. at 18 mos., even though after a while his thigh was turning pretty sunburned-looking from the swat I'd give him every time he slammed the cabinet door. I had told him, "No!" repeatedly and that didn't work. He never cried. He just finally decided to stop doing it.
His kindergarten teacher complained to me that he was "manhandling" the other kindergarteners when they would line up to go into class or out of the classroom. When I asked him about it, he told me that he would take the other children by the arm and put them back in line where they belonged whenever they got out of line, cause the teacher had told them to stay in line. He had become their self-designated "sheriff."
My stepfather was such a domineering control freak that we couldn't rearrange a stick of furniture in the house when we were growing up. We couldn't hang anything on the wall or decorate in any way. We needn't bother to ask either, cause it wasn't going to happen. Not even my mother could rearrange or decorate. I only invited two of my girlfriends over one time for a sleepover. I never did it again. It was too embarrassing.
The woman in California that molested my youngest son before we moved back to Texas was also a mega-control freak.
If there's a behavior management program that deals with control-freakish behavior, then there's a way to help those people.
i have not tried to hide my past as a victim of this, but this is always an area that i have to fight my personally feelings as to what should be done to child molesters.
they ruin lives, scar an individual for a lifetime!.
should they be incarcerated for life, castrated, turned over to the family member(s), public humiliation like a branding everywhere they go, tortured and or death penality?.
why has child molestation become such a central issue over the last few decades?
Narkissos, it's only been within the past few decades that child molestation, incest and rape have lost their "taboo/in bad taste-to-talk-about-it" distinction in society. And the more cases are brought to light the greater chance that more will be discovered. I'm afraid that they've only touched the "tip of the iceberg" where these heinous activities are concerned.
what I don't understand is how your two older children were molested by the same man that molested you. Surely you didn't leave your boys alone with this creep. How in god's name did he get access to do this to them?
Mary, I understand where you're coming from......now. It would have been fortuitous for my children had I been as enlightened regarding this subject 30 yrs ago, as we are now. The problem was that the ones who all did this to me had me convinced that there was something, some flaw in me that caused them to do those things to me. I never ever realized that my stepfather would molest my older son and my daughter and force them to copulate (my daughter was 10, my older son was 12) so that he could watch. I thought my daughter was safe, since her brother was with her when she was visiting them. I didn't realize my stepfather was so f*ckin' evil. Mean and a domineering control freak, yes, but not evil enough to force a brother to rape his sister. It broke my heart for them, which is why I wanted to commit such mayhem against him. I hated myself for being so STUPID and naive where my stepfather was concerned!!
I didn't even realize until 20 yrs after I left home that the time my step-uncle sent me out to his car when I was just 12 yo to look at a comic book (they knew I loved comic books) in a plain brown wrapper during a family BBQ, but told me I was on my own and I couldn't tell anyone that he'd sent me out there......he was setting me up to be discovered by his wife, my aunt. I wasn't out there 5 mins. until my aunt (his wife) came outside looking for me and discovered me with the comic book. Do you honestly believe that it was a coincidence that my aunt came looking for me 5 mins. after I got out there? I don't. I think my uncle, sorry asshole that he was, sent her out there to find me. This was in the 50's. Can you imagine the ripple that went through the whole family over that discovery? Yessiree. It was CYA time for my stepfather and uncle.....and anyone else who cared to take a poke at me. My reputation and credibility within that large family was totally annihilated from that point on. None of them would ever respect or trust me again. Yeah. It didn't hit me until 20 yrs after the fact that it had all been a set up. Just like my stepfather convincing me that he would tell my mother that I came on to him and that she would take his side over my claims. He had me there., because my mother always took his side in matters of discipline even when he left bruises on us from his ham-hands. It was when my daughter finally told me what he'd done to them......6 yrs after the fact and 6 mos. past the (then) statute of limitations, that I began to think about what all had happened to me and how they'd insured that I would never tell anyone. Who's going to believe an obviously slutty 12 yo that sneaks into cars that don't belong to her and goes through their glove compartment (he told me where it was) and reads dirty books?
two decades of abuse went unseen the foster children of eunice spry face a lifetime of counselling, after suffering years of physical, mental and sexual abuse at her hands.
the abuse was not spotted by health professionals over a period of 20 years.
Well, yours is easier on my eyes, Blondie. Thanks.
i have not tried to hide my past as a victim of this, but this is always an area that i have to fight my personally feelings as to what should be done to child molesters.
they ruin lives, scar an individual for a lifetime!.
should they be incarcerated for life, castrated, turned over to the family member(s), public humiliation like a branding everywhere they go, tortured and or death penality?.
We could stone them to death.
What if it were your own offspring that had done the deed, MsMcDucket?
forms of divisions / sitting quietly.
do you fill every free moment of your day with some form of diversion?
here are some forms of diversions that i found keeps most of hectically busy.
I can never sit quietly. I couldn't do it at meetings or conventions. Thank goodness my children were with me to distract me.
I'm bipolar. About 90% of my brain is churning full tilt most of the time.
i have not tried to hide my past as a victim of this, but this is always an area that i have to fight my personally feelings as to what should be done to child molesters.
they ruin lives, scar an individual for a lifetime!.
should they be incarcerated for life, castrated, turned over to the family member(s), public humiliation like a branding everywhere they go, tortured and or death penality?.
the island is the most humane and the most practical idea, but expensive.....
Prison is expensive and the prisoners do not earn their keep. A colony would provide each of them with employment, a way to support themselves, unlike lepers, who become physically unable to work. The SO's being employed in gainful positions would help to offset surely a substantial part of their expenses. More so than life imprisonment with no gainful employment.
I do understand that on the other hand, a lethal injection is relatively inexpensive........to the state.
i have not tried to hide my past as a victim of this, but this is always an area that i have to fight my personally feelings as to what should be done to child molesters.
they ruin lives, scar an individual for a lifetime!.
should they be incarcerated for life, castrated, turned over to the family member(s), public humiliation like a branding everywhere they go, tortured and or death penality?.
Just as lepers are provided with a colony separate from the rest of civilization in order not to contaminate anyone else, perhaps a place could be made for pedophiles to inhabit together, so as not to be a threat to the rest of society. They could live there, have employment and support themselves, have medical and psychological services provided, have significant others (yes, there are SO's of both genders) and be a civilization unto themselves, fenced off from the rest of the world. At least they'd have a chance at a more normal life than the one provided them after serving time in prison. And they would never be a threat to the rest of civilization again.
i have not tried to hide my past as a victim of this, but this is always an area that i have to fight my personally feelings as to what should be done to child molesters.
they ruin lives, scar an individual for a lifetime!.
should they be incarcerated for life, castrated, turned over to the family member(s), public humiliation like a branding everywhere they go, tortured and or death penality?.
ABR, I was raised by my mother and stepfather and subjected from approx. age 11 yo to being molested repeatedly by my stepfather, his brother, my step-uncle, a cousin's husband, my half-brother (when I was 7 yo), and a brother-in-law. They would approach me in broad daylight or at family gatherings in a dark hallway and push me up against the wall or in my bed at night. I used to stand for long periods of time and look in the mirror and study my features to try to determine what the flaws were in me that made them want to do those things to me, because I was sure there was something wrong with me to make them all want to do those things to me. I always used to think it was my fault and that I was the only one they treated that way. Consequently, my two older children were molested by their step-grandfather, as well. When I found out, I was sans vehicle at the time. But I wanted to get a car and drive out to a lonely highway and run over my stepfather's ass and then back over him and run over him again and again and again.
Since that time, and it's been many years, my youngest son was molested at a very young age by someone who taught him that it was pleasurable and fun. (his words to me) My youngest son also had a learning disorder now called disgraphia, but unrecognized by the school systems nationwide at the time he was in school. Consequently, he was subjected to such terrible abuse for his inability to do any written work in school that he had a nervous breakdown at age 12, he was so traumatized over a written assignment that was due. Previous to that point, he had been subjected to public ridicule from his teachers screaming and calling him lazy, good-for-nothing and stupid in front of his classmates, whippings at school, constant detentions and even was placed in a cardboard box in one classroom to isolate him from his classmates and to humiliate him into doing written work, which he could not do.
When we exited the WTS and came back to Texas from California, he stayed with my daughter and her (now-ex) hubby. They gave him drugs and alcohol and used him to babysit and do all the household chores until he had to start school here and wasn't available all the time. My (then) son-in-law watched sick, violent, sexually explicit movies all the time, even sending my two g/daughter's (toddlers) screaming and crying from the room in terror over something they saw on TV. After my youngest son had to start school, the beatings began, since he was no longer available as a fulltime babysitter and housekeeper and the state would no longer be paying my daughter and SIL for "fostering" my son because he would soon turn 18. My son-in-law beat him with his fists almost every day until my son finally ran away. But before he ran away, he molested the older g/daughter.......Neither my son, nor my daughter ever told me what he did.....not until just a couple of years ago did my son finally admit to me what he'd done.
About 5 yrs later, when my youngest son was married and had a few children, my daughter was working and needed a babysitter. She hired my son's wife to babysit her daughters.....my two g/daughters. My youngest g/daughter had begun pulling her eyebrows out with her fingernails and was having nightmares when it finally came out that my youngest son was molesting them both.
Do you think that my youngest son's own experiences with having been molested....that his trauma-filled school years....that the drugs and alcohol (and yes, he was still on drugs, self-medicating to numb personal pains we can't begin to know or understand) and the sick, violent, sexually explicit movies......that all these things contributed to my son's behavior? I do. Call me a bleeding heart if you wish. Doesn't matter. My son is serving two concurrent 25 yr sentences in prison at this time. He's already been through about 5 yrs of being gang-raped frequently and has attempted suicide enough times that they finally put him in a psych hospital for 18 mos. before transferring him to another prison where it's a calmer "atmosphere." He's also been evaluated as bi-polar.
My g/daughters received 6 mos. obligatory counseling at the state's expense as a "cure all" for their trauma. They are both psychologically damaged and both are seeing psychiatrists on a weekly basis. This will probably go on indefinitely and I don't know if they'll ever get over it. My younger g/daughter is ADHD and bi-polar I and the older g/daughter is bi-polar III and ADD.
The powers that be claim that there is no cure for pedophilia. I disagree, because I don't think they've studied the problem enough to be sure there is no way to resolve it. I think if they looked for a way to help those people find a different way to manage their thinking and behavior, they'd find it. Sure there are some who are totally sick and hardened and will never see any other point of view other than their own twisted reasoning. But there are some, and here I have to say, like my youngest son, who can possibly be rehabilitated, be taught that there's a different way to manage their thinking and behavior/ But there is no program available for rehabilitation of pedophiles. There is only revenge and punishment and an all-out effort on the part of authorities to make sure SO parolees get their paroles violated and they go back for another dance with the devil.
Right now, there is a move to seek the death penalty for repeat SO's.
I'm so happy, I could shit.
reading hortensia's topic "menu" made my mouth water.
i remember in the 70's (when we used to be able to have lots of jw social get-togethers like picnics and parties) some of the friends would bring pot-luck specialties that were to die for!.
everyone has a dish they consider their "specialty" which gets high praise and generally requests for the recipe.
Faccia di Vecchia (Italian for "old woman's face" - a deep dish pizza)
prepared pizza dough for pan pizza (you can also use parker house rolls from the freezer section of your grocer's)
9" X 13" greased baking pan
2 to 3 cups Wild Sicilian All-Purpose Spaghetti Sauce
grated Pecorino Romano Cheese
grated Mozzarella Cheese
Italian bread crumbs
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place dough in greased baking pan and spread it to the edges evenly. Pour 2 cups of sauce over the dough (use the other cup if you need it) and using your fingers punch holes into the dough. This will allow the ingredients in the sauce to be laced throughout the pizza crust. Sprinkle with cheeses and dust top with Italian bread crumbs. Bake at 375 degrees for approx. 40 mins. or until crust is browned and top is golden and bubbly all over.
This is usually baked in round pans, and is named for what it resembles when it's done. :)